LVW has a long history of providing systems support to commercial customers, ranging in size from mom-and-pop companies to international conglomerates, with facilities that range from hotels to industrial forges. Customers over the years have included Bechtel, Pepsi Arena (now Ball Arena), Mile High Stadium, the Denver Stock Show, the US Olympic and Paralympic Center, Atmel (now Microchip), HP, Intel, Xerox, AMPEX, and many others over the years.
Whether publicly or privately owned, utilities providers have unique needs that LVW is poised to serve. As a company headquartered and founded in the Western US, we understand the challenges faced by utilities providers in today’s regulatory and operational environments. We have a long history of working with Utilities providers to apply the latest technologies and application methods to ensure uptime and safety.
From pre-K to higher education, LVW has provided solutions that ensure the mission of these institutions is carried out with a minimum of unnecessary cost, while still providing the kind of safety, security and productivity necessary for educators and site staff. LVW understands the technologies that are available for use and has the years of practical experience necessary to adapt both new and old technologies to meet the real-world needs of the folks in the trenches, solving today’s problems.